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Work Permit

A work permit is not an easy document to get. It takes proper paperwork, accurate application process, and a lot of expertise to get approved in the first time. Only reputed immigration agency can handle it for you. So, if you want to work in Canada, get in touch with the immigration agency with quite good record, and Canada Visa Solutions Immigration is one of those. We have helped number of clients get the work permit in the first attempt with 99% success record. You might be the next.

Types of Work Permit

-Open Work Permit

An open work permit allows you to work for any company or employer in  Canada. There are few exceptions:

  •  You cannot work with the employing association that is listed as ineligible on the list of employers that do not comply with certain regulations
  • You cannot work with the employers who regularly offers striptease, erotic dance, escort services or erotic massages. 

 Eligibility for Employer-Specific Work Permits:

The eligibility for an Employer-specific work permit is determined by the nature of the occupation and overall record of the applicant. Some conditions that need to meet are as follow:

  • You must satisfy the immigration officer you will leave as soon as your work permit expires.
  • You have sufficient finances to stay and take care of yourself and people that may be accompanying you during your visit to Canada.
  • You have a clean criminal record.
  • You pose no threat to Canada’s security.
  • You have no serious medical issues that may affect the Canadian population in any way.
  • You are not working for an employer who is listed ineligible on the list of employers who did not comply with employment conditions.
  • You are not working for an employer who deals with promiscuous services such as striptease, erotic dance, and massages or escort services or related professions.

 Eligibility requirements for all applicants

There are specific requirements you need to meet depending on where you are when you apply for your work permit.

But regardless of where you apply or which type of work permit you apply for, you must

  • prove to an officer that you will leave Canada when your work permit expires;
  • show that you have enough money to take care of yourself and your family members during your stay in Canada and to return home;
  • obey the law and have no record of criminal activity (we may ask you to give us a police clearance certificate);
  • not be a danger to Canada’s security;
  • be in good health and have a medical exam, if needed;
  • not plan to work for an employer listed with the status “ineligible” on the list of employers who failed to comply with the conditions;
  • not plan to work for an employer who, on a regular basis, offers striptease, erotic dance, escort services or erotic massages; and
  • give the officer any other documents they ask for to prove you can enter the country.

Why Choose us ?

At Canada Visa Solutions, we aspire to be the first choice of consultants for all your immigration needs. With a highly motivated team, qualified to understand the minutest details and tackle the most complicated issues of your case, we work round the clock with the intent of becoming the most trusted consultants for opportunity seekers to make it to Canada. And with our process-driven methodology, in-depth understanding of the state of affairs in Canadian Immigration and high ethical standards, we are on the fastest route to realizing the vision we invariably share with our clients.